A Web3 Chrome Extension

Earn Crypto Watching Netflix, Hulu, & Prime Video

Project Overview

What initial started as a means to aid COVID relief via data monetization, became a Stream-To-Earn Web3 business rewarding users for their viewership.

Client & Team

  • Cody Autterson - CEO

  • Gunnar Autterson - UX/UI

  • Michael Wegner - Developer

  • Andrew Schneider - Marketing

Project Goals

  • Create dependable viewership metrics across multiple streaming platforms

  • Establish a real time viewership metric to modernize the Nielsen ratings

  • Reward users for their attribution to our viewership database


UX/UI Designer


  • Project Management

  • Research Definition, Collection, & Synthesis

  • MVP Definition

  • Userflows, Wireframes, & Prototypes

  • Brand Identity Definition & Creation

  • Developer Handoff

  • User Testing

  • Marketing & Promotion

  • Website Design & Build (Squarespace)

Problem Statement

There is a current gap in the streaming industry for reliable viewership metrics. Premiere platforms like Netflix, Hulu, & Prime Video all have a means of monitoring their own viewership metrics, but there is no current metrics representing viewership across platforms. There is a desperate needs for reliable metrics that represent what people watch online.


CineDAO is a Chrome Extension available for free in the Chrome Web Store. Upon sign up, users agree to anonymously share their watch history for approved platforms. This data is aggregated to create reliable and accurate viewership metrics for laptop streamers around the globe. This data is monetized and users are rewards cryptocurrency for their participation in data creation used to create these valuable viewership metrics

Research Goals

  • Understand how viewership metrics are currently being collected for the streaming industry regardless of viewing platform

  • Explore streaming habit research to better understand our target audience

  • Learn about the DAO business model and how it could benefit this project

  • Research target audience needs, wishes, values, and desires

  • Explore competitor brands monetizing data in other industires



Insights & Opportunity

  • There are no current viewership metrics representing all of online streaming

  • Current viewership metrics only capture cable television (Nielsen)

  • Advertisers and Content Producers need reliable metrics that represent online streaming across multiple platforms

Version 1.0 - 4thWall

Concept: Fund “social good” by monetizing viewership data.

Elevator Pitch: 4thWall is a free browser extension that turns minutes spent streaming Netflix, Hulu, & Amazon Prime into charitable donations. Simply stream your favorite shows, unlock donations, and donate to 4 new causes every week. At 4thWall, we do data differently to empower communities around the world on your behalf. Add 4thWall to your Chrome browser and help us #streamforgood 

Lesson Learned:

  • Social good is not a strong enough driving force for adoption

  • Users often confused about how our model works, especially with Kiva donations

  • Users concerned about data privacy

Box Office Feature

A single place to see what’s popular across all platforms, based off of reliable viewership metrics

Kiva Donations Page

Monetizing data seems evil unless it’s for social good. In this 1.0 version, our goal was to support entrepreneurs in developing nations via donations with Kiva

Version 2.0 - CineDAO


Reward users for their contribution in the creation of the data set we monetize.


CineDAO is the Web3 version of 4thWall.

After gathering ample feedback on 4thWall, it was clear that while our mission was good intentioned, users didn’t care about the social good aspect of our business. Our model depends on the data set we monetize, and without early user adoption, we needed to shift gears and learn what would drive users to adopt our model.

Web3 provided a unqiue opportunity for us to pay our users for their contribution to our community via cryptocurrency.

CineDAO became a stream-to-earn business and the feedback improved greatly.

Interactive Prototype

Before developer handoff, I created an interactive prototype using Figma to do initial user testing. Below is a screenshot showcasing the screen flows for this extensions to meet the MVP functionality.